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本节将逐步介绍如何使用带有 B&R Linux 10 的 Hypervisor 系统,通过预制的 exOS 示例应用程序(Watertank)创建一个简单的 AS软件 项目。
假设系统中已安装了所有需要的 exOS 组件。 有关详细信息,请参阅 安装。
This section describes step-by-step how to create a simple Automation Studio project with a pre-made exOS example application (Watertank) using a Hypervisor system with B&R Linux 10.
It is presumed that all needed exOS components have been installed on the system. Please see Installation for more information on this.
•Creating a Hypervisor project with a Linux deployment server
•Inserting an exOS Linux target
•Configuring and assigning the exOS package to the target
•Checking the deployment status