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有了 exOS,Linux 软件可以像其他 AR 组件一样得到管理和服务。因此,exOS 提供了从 AR 自动部署组件到 Linux 的机制,以及远程执行这些组件的机制。每个组件都通过数据接口相互连接,因此组件可以 "跨 "操作系统运行。




exOS 提供的主要功能包括

project_management 在 AS 软件中进行中央项目管理


将基于 Linux 的应用程序(exOS 软件包)导入 AS软件工作室

轻松处理和配置 Linux 程序

组合管理 PLC 和 Linux 代码


deployment 轻松传输和安装 Linux 代码

Linux 代码从 AS软件 自动传输到目标系统

自动安装和更新 Linux 代码


execution 可配置的执行

AR 可控制 Linux 代码的执行(例如,安装后自动启动)


data_exchange 高性能数据交换

在 PLC 和 Linux 之间进行快速、易用的数据通信




diagnose 广泛的诊断功能


B&R 系统中的中央事件记录


timesync 同步执行应用程序

PLC 和 Linux 之间的同步时基

集成的 NETTIME 机制,可在微秒精度内同步和调度数据和事件


maintenance 维护简单高效





With exOS, Linux software can be managed and serviced like any other Automation Runtime component. exOS therefore provides mechanisms for the automatic deployment of components from Automation Runtime to Linux and the remote execution of these components. Each component is interlinked via a data-interface so that the component works "across" the Operating systems.


The main features offered by exOS are:

project_management Central project management in Automation Studio

Import Linux-based applications (exOS Packages) into Automation Studio

Easy handling and configuration of Linux programs

Combined management of PLC and Linux code

deployment Transfer and install Linux code effortlessly

Linux code is automatically transferred from Automation Studio to the target system

Linux code is installed and updated automatically

execution Configurable execution

Automation Runtime can control the execution of Linux code (e.g. start automatically after installation)

data_exchange High-performance data exchange

Fast and easy-to-use data communication between PLC and Linux

Buffered, event-based Inter Process Communication (IPC) mechanism

Transmission in microsecond range ensuring data consistancy even for structured data types

diagnose Extensive diagnostic possibilities

Comprehensive diagnostics during installation and execution

Central event logging in the B&R system

timesync Synchronized execution of applications

Synchronized time base between PLC and Linux

Integrated NETTIME mechanism to synchronize and schedule data and events within microsecond precision

maintenance Simple and efficient maintenance

Hardware replacement without reprogramming

Out-of-the-box solution

Defined machine status after hardware exchange

Automatic transfer, installation and initialization for minimum downtime