Extensive diagnostic possibilities

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Extensive diagnostic possibilities


exOS 系统可为 exOS 目标管理和实际的 exOS 组件提供全面的诊断功能。

文件传输、安装或卸载 exOS 组件、启动或停止服务等每一个部署步骤都能被监控和记录。任何基于 exOS 的应用程序也可利用事件日志框架来添加自己的状态和日志信息,这些信息最终会被路由到 AR 日志。

日志机制可在项目配置中进行配置,也可在运行期间从 AR 和 Linux 端动态更改。

更多信息请参阅 " 日志" 章节。


The exOS system provides comprehensive diagnostic possibilities for both, the exOS target management as well as for the actual exOS Components.

Each step of deployment such as transfer of a file, installation or uninstallation of an exOS Component, or the starting or stopping of services can be monitored and logged. Any exOS-based application may also utilize the event logging framework to add own status and log messages which are finally routed to the AR Log.

The logging mechanism is configurable in the project configuration, but may also be changed dynamically during runtime from both, the AR and the Linux side.

Please see the Logging chapter for more information.