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exOS 实现了两种不同的日志记录机制:

ExDeploy: 部署日志记录器

ExData: 数据连接日志记录器



ExDeploy 日志(或称部署序列日志)记录了在远程目标机上安装和启动组件时执行的指令,是诊断 exOS 目标机部署序列的主要手段。所有日志条目均由系统生成。如果出现无法使用所提供的 功能块进行分析的应用程序错误,该日志记录器将非常有用 。



ExData 日志记录器是一种高级日志记录机制,可实现集中式、 全系统范围的日志记录 功能。

这意味着,数据连接(数据集消息路由器)中 的系统资源--在 AR 和 Linux 中,以及用户程序都可以在多个级别上以不同的冗长输出写入日志。信息过滤在源头(日志进程)进行,以防止不必要的流量。有关数据连接日志记录器功能的更多信息,请参阅 "  开发中的日志记录 "部分。

exOS implements two separate logging mechanisms:

ExDeploy: Deployment logger

ExData: Data connection logger


The ExDeploy logger - or or deployment sequence log - records the instructions that are carried out in combination with installing and starting components on a remote target, and is the primary means of diagnosing an exOS target deployment sequence. All log entries are generated by the system. This logger can be useful if application errors occur that cannot be diangosed using the provided function blocks.


The ExData Logger is an advanced logging mechanism, which implements a centralized, system-wide logging functionality.

This means, system resources in the Data connection (Dataset Message Router) - in AR and Linux, as well as User programs can write to this log on several levels and with different levels of verbose output. Filtering of messages takes place at the source (the logging process) to prevent unneccesary traffic. For more info regarding the functionality behind the data connection logger, see the Logging in the development section.