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数据集是可以发布或订阅的最小原子单元。数据交换机制能确保数据集的一致传输,并能处理平台特定的适应性问题(例如,32/64 位系统之间的结构填充)。每个数据集在发布时都会打上时间戳(NETTIME),因此可以在接收端检索其年龄。在同步时间关键事件或使用数值突发传输时,这一点可能很有必要。
Each datamodel consists of one or several datasets. A dataset may contain a single variable as well as (large) structures or arrays. Along with the actual values, each dataset also keeps track of its own state.
Datasets are the smallest atomic units that can be published or subscribed to. The data exchange mechanism ensures that datasets are transmitted consistently and takes care of platform specific adaptations (e.g. structure padding between 32/64 bit systems). Each dataset is timestamped (NETTIME) when it is published, so its age can be retrieved at the receiver's side. This may be of need when synchronizing time-critical events or using burst transfer of values.