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数据交换基于预定义的 数据模型实例 。一个数据模型在系统中表示为一个或多个 数据模型实例,并 带有一个全局名称。因此,每个数据模型实例代表一个 全局数据交换区域。
这种数据交换区域可以 作为具有状态的数据模型 从每个流程中访问。 在同一个进程中 , 数据模型甚至可以作为 多个表示来访问 (例如,当从多个线程连接到同一个实例时)。此外,每个数据模型都可以用一个 用户别名(user_alias)来 标识自己 ,以便在整个系统中拥有唯一的 ID。
Data exchange is based on instances of pre-defined datamodels. A datamodel is represented in the system as one or several datamodel instances with a global name. Each datamodel instance therefore represents a global data exchange area.
Such data exchange area can be accessed from every process as a datamodel with a state. Datamodels can even be accessed as several representations within the same process (e.g. when connecting to the same instance from multiple threads). Every datamodel representation can furthermore identify itself with a user_alias in order to have a unique id across the system.