The Dataset Message Router

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The Dataset Message Router

每个软件模块(AR 任务或 Linux 进程)都连接到本地运行的 数据集消息路由器。

数据集消息路由器的作用是缓冲 Linux 进程和 AR 进程之间的数据通信,直到数据可以通过配置的传输机制发送,并将发布的数据集分发到注册用户。即使主要目的是在 AR 和 Linux 之间分发数据,如果有本地订阅者,数据也会在一个系统上本地分发。

当数据集在本地发布或发送到传输机制时,每个进程都会接收到不同的事件。例如,  当数据集被传送到远程系统时,EXOS_DATASET_EVENT_DELIVERED事件  就会被触发。

数据集消息路由器还负责向 Linux 分发全球同步的时间戳。它还可以同步 Linux 数据集消息路由器 的执行 以及  Linux 进程与 AR 任务类的执行。


Each software module (AR task or Linux process) connects to a locally running Dataset Message Router.

The Dataset Message Router has the purpose to buffer data communication between Linux and AR processes until the data can be dispatched via the configured transport mechanism and distribute published datasets to the registered subscribers. Even if the main purpose is to distribute data between AR and Linux, data is also distributed locally on one system, if there are local subscribers.

When datasets are published locally or dispatched to the transport mechanism, different events are fired that can be received in each process. For example, the event EXOS_DATASET_EVENT_DELIVERED is fired when a dataset has been delivered to the remote system.

The Dataset Message Router is also responsible to distribute a globally synchronized timestamp to Linux. And it may synchronize the Linux Dataset Message Router execution as well as the execution of the Linux processes with AR task classes.