<< 点击显示目录 >> 主页 exOS使用助手 > exOS Automation Help > Diagnose > Technology package build errors |
4483:BuildCommand 错误 / 信息
4484:解析 exospkg 文件
4485: 生成数据模型构建命令
4486:exoscomponent / exostarget 中的配置错误 / 信息
4487:有关 CPU 配置的错误/信息
4488:有关 exOS 软件包 / exoscomponent / exostarget 链接的错误
4489: 内部错误
4482: File transfer errors / information
4483: BuildCommand errors / information
4484: Parsing the exospkg file
4485: GenerateDatamodel build command
4486: Configuration errors / information in exoscomponent / exostarget
4487: Errors / information regarding the CPU configuration
4488: Errors regarding the exOS package / exoscomponent / exostarget link
4489: Internal errors