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关于 exOS 软件包/exoscomponent/exostarget 链接的错误

在 exOS 中,  逻辑视图中的 exOS 软件包 、  配置视图 中的exoscomponent 和 exostarget 中分配的组件实例 之间存在紧密联系 。如果这些链接中的任何一个无效,例如, exOS 软件包 被删除而没有删除 exoscomponent 或 exostarget中的 引用 ,系统就会报错。  有关此主题的更多信息,请参阅 .exospkg 与配置元素之间的关系一章  。

错误: 在 .exoscomponent 声明中找不到组件配置链接 {0}

错误: 找到组件配置链接 {0},但在逻辑视图中找不到相应的软件包。

错误: 无法找到 {0} 的组件配置

错误: 在 {0} 中未发现 exoscomponent 文件

错误: 找不到 {0} 文件夹/软件包,或其中不包含 .exospkg 文件。确保逻辑视图中存在此文件夹(软件包),且其中包含 .exospkg 文件

Errors regarding the exOS package / exoscomponent / exostarget link

In exOS, there is a strong link between the exOS Package in the Logical view, the exoscomponent in the configuration view, and the assigned Component instance in the exostarget. If any of these links are invalid, for example - the exOS Package is deleted without deleting the references in exoscomponent or exostarget, the system will report an error. Please see the chapter Relation between the .exospkg and configuration elements for more on this topic.

Error: Component configuration link {0} cannot be found in the .exoscomponent declarations

Error: Component configuration link {0} found, but the corresponding package is not found in the Logial view.

Error: Could not find component configuration for {0}

Error: No exoscomponent files found in {0}

Error: The folder/Package {0} cannot be found, or it doesnt contain an .exospkg file. Make sure this folder (Package) exists in the logical view, and that it includes an .exospkg file