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EXOS_ERROR_CODE exos_dataset_disconnect(exos_dataset_handle_t *dataset);

断开订阅者/发布者与 数据集消息路由器的连接。这将断开数据集的 datasetEvent 连接(在接收到 EXOS_STATE_DISCONNECTED 事件后),并且不能使用该数据集发布任何值。为了让数据集 "重新上线" , 应再次调用exos_dataset_connect()函数  。

如果数据模型保持连接,但单个数据集断开连接,则应调用此函数。换句话说,如果要断开包括所有数据集在内的整个数据模型的连接,调用 exos_datamodel_disconnect() 就足够了。

Disconnect a dataset from the Dataset Message Router

Call syntax

EXOS_ERROR_CODE exos_dataset_disconnect(exos_dataset_handle_t *dataset);

Disconnect a subscriber / publisher from the Dataset Message Router. This will disconnect the datasetEvent from the dataset (after receiving an EXOS_STATE_DISCONNECTED event), and no values can be published using this dataset. In order to get the dataset "back online", the function exos_dataset_connect() should be called again.

This function should be called in case the datamodel should stay connected, but the individual dataset should be disconnected. In other words, if the complete datamodel including all datasets should be disconnected, the exos_datamodel_disconnect() is sufficient.