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include <zmq.h>
void _INIT ProgramInit(void)
zmq_ctx_set(NULL, ZMQ_FIFO_SIZE, 400000); //MAX: 5000000 MIN: 50000
▪exos_lxi_send_buffer_items = 50
▪exos_lxi_shm_write_items = 10
▪exos_lxi_eth_send_items = 20
▪exos_lxi_send_queue_size = 300
在向远程系统传送数据时,可能会希望"尽可能快地"发布数据,这样至少能在另一端接收到最新值(如温度)。但是,数据集的每一次变化并不都需要传输。在这种情况下,可以使用EXOS_DATASET_EVENT_DELIVERED事件来触发新值的发布。使用该事件可确保API发送缓冲区永远不会被一个特定的数据集填满,因为--当许多数据集同时发送时,EXOS_DATASET_EVENT_DELIVERED会在仿真(TCP/IP)连接上排队的数据集之后出现。 EXOS_DATASET_EVENT_DELIVERED将更深入地介绍这一主题。
The exOS API uses buffers to ensure the transmission of each published dataset, while the general aim is to ensure that at least one dataset can be published in each cycle. Here exOS is preconfigured to solve a "typical" amount of data transfer, which focuses on fast and synchronized data transmission and process execution. The exOS system ensures data consistency and data transfer (every published dataset is received in the same order that the datasets were published), which is solved by a number of buffers in the system. As a default, these buffers are preconfigured to solve the most typical use-cases, and for special cases where a lot - or dynamic - data needs to be exchanged, these preset limitations might apply.
In Automation Runtime, the ZMQ communication between the applications (tasks/libraries) and the Dataset Message Router is implemented via thread-safe FIFOs, as all AR tasks and libraries are using a single-space memory and therefore no "real" pipes are needed as in Linux. This mechanism is faster than message pipes, however the FIFO buffers for this mechanism are currently pre-defined.
the data of every connection between an application and the Dataset Message Router (in send or receive direction) is pre-allocated to this size. When using large datasets in the application (100kB+), it is advised not to have the variable in a sub structure, as otherwise the structure containing the buffer would take up the same amount of space in the shared memory as the buffer itself. The exOS API buffers all datasets sent via exos_dataset_publish() and so the 250kB data limitation also means that for example 20 datasets with the size of 10kB can be sent in one burst (within one task scan) for one application. The datasets in the ZMQ (FIFO) buffer is collected in the API send buffer at the end of every task scan (using shared memory) and approximately every 25ms for pure TCP connections.
If a dataset is published when the FIFO is full, exos_dataset_publish() will return with EXOS_ERROR_SYSTEM_SOCKET_USAGE.
Should there be specific applications requiring larger buffers, the size of the FIFO can be increased up to ~5MB (smallest possible value for the FIFO is 50kB). It is advised only to change this setting when really needed, as it affects all send and receive message buffers on AR after the point of setting the size.
Example: Set the FIFO size to 400kB for all applications
include <zmq.h>
void _INIT ProgramInit(void)
zmq_ctx_set(NULL, ZMQ_FIFO_SIZE, 400000); //MAX: 5000000 MIN: 50000
Another thing to point out when requiring large FIFO buffers, is that it probably comes from the need of sending large datasets. Here the stack size of the Automation Runtime Taskclass needs to increased to the size of (at least) the largest dataset available. The maximum dataset size is 200kB, meaning 250kB stack size is necessary for such a use-case.
As mentioned in AR_ZMQ, all datasets sent between applications are buffered so that the user will be notified in case the system was not able to send a certain dataset. Additional to the zmq buffer, each dataset has a buffer on its own for transferring data between AR and Linux. This buffer has a predefined value of:
The usage for this send buffer is that the transmission of data via shared memory or TCP/IP (in simulation) can be slower than the transmission between the application and the Dataset Message Router, especially when more than one dataset is sent at a time. The limitation of 50 basically means that datasets may be published in bursts (i.e in a tight loop) with the maximum of 50 values. Now, depending on the data size and the transmission type (shared memory or TCP/IP), more or less cycles are needed to actually transfer the data to the remote system. It may therefore not be possible to publish for example 50 datasets every cycle (see more in the following topic: Transmission Buffers). In that case, and in every case where more datasets should be published cyclically, the datamodel should instead declare an array of that dataset and publish the whole array rather than sending each dataset one-by-one.
To distinguish between a dataset has been pushed to the API send buffer from when it has been delivered to the remote system (via shared memory or TCP/IP), exOS API offers two dataset events:
•EXOS_DATASET_EVENT_PUBLISHED - dataset has been forwarded to the API send buffer
•EXOS_DATASET_EVENT_DELIVERED - dataset has been delivered to the remote system via TCP/IP or shared memory
Should the transport layer (TCP/IP or shared memory) not be able to transfer the required dataset publish requests before filling the buffer, the dataset on the transmitting end recieves an EXOS_DATASET_EVENT_CONNECTION_CHANGED with dataset.connection_state = EXOS_STATE_ABORTED, and error=EXOS_ERROR_CODE_BUFFER_OVERFLOW.
In a shared memory connection, as soon as data has been transferred to the API send buffer, all datasets are treated individually, independent of the number of datasets per datamodel. This means the same limit is applied to publishing 1 dataset as to publishing for example 20 different datasets. Furthermore, there is no limitation in terms of memory (as long as the allocated shared memory area is large enough), meaning the same limits apply when publishing 10Byte data as when publishing 10kByte data.
The Dataset Message Router reads the API Send Buffer from all connected datasets every DMR cycle. When using shared memory, this cycle is synchronized with the taskclass system, and the taskclass can be configured in the exOS Target configuration. When sending data to the remote system, each dataset uses a ringbuffer for transferring with the size of
As the reading and writing of this ringbuffer takes place via synchronized signals in the Hypervisor, it means that up to 10 datasets can be transferred every cycle without filling up the previous API send buffer. The only bottleneck in this regard can be the AR ZMQ BUFFER that would as a default limit the transmission to 10x25kB datasets each cycle.
Simluation is using TCP/IP transmission, where each datamodel connection takes place via one socket connection. This means that the number of published datasets per datamodel needs to be accounted for. In other words, the same limits do not apply when sending one dataset as when sending 20 datasets, if those belong to the same datamodel. Furthermore, as transmission takes place via the TCP/IP protocol, it takes longer to transmit 10kByte data than to transmit 10Bytes data.
Here, the Dataset Message Router runs asynchronously to the AR taskcycle, where the API Send Buffer from all connected datasets are read every cycle. As transmission of data via TCP/IP cannot be accomplished within one scan (TCP/IP uses handshake), an additional buffer is allocated to send dataset changes in chunks, should there be more than one dataset published within a cycle. This has great benefits when transferring smaller datasets (up to 1kB) - as these can go into the payload of a single IP packet, but not a very big effect when sending datasets bigger than the TCP/IP payload size. The number of datasets that can be "chunked together" into one transmission is limited to
Which means that in a good scenario, if 10 datasets are published within one scan, and transmission only occupies 2 Dataset Message Router cycles, and nothing else is sent, then it is possible to continue doing this in a cyclic manner, publishing 10 datasets per cycle, as the API Send Buffer will contain the 10 following datasets while waiting for the transmission to complete. In other words, in this "good" scenario, 20 datasets would be transferred in chunks every second Dataset Message Router cycle.
As indicated, publishing 10 datasets per cycle in a TCP/IP connection without filling up the API send buffer is an "extremely good" scenario, as there are most likely also other datasets or datamodel events (connected / operational) that need to come across via the same socket connection. For this reason, there is a waiting queue for all send requests of one datamodel, that has the size of
This means, that 300 requests for sending (each one with an API Send Buffer) can be queued for each socket / datamodel connection. This basically means that this queue is likely not to be filled, as there is the limitation of 256 datasets per datamodel. Basically it means that of the 256 datasets, only one dataset can publish its changes per cycle, and even though the Dataset Message Router takes care of queuing requests, there will be delays when many changes happen within a short period of time on a TCP/IP connection, and unless this represents a burst situation, publishing datasets every cycle on this connection has a natural limit of probably 10-20 datasets before the API Send Buffer is filled.
When delivering data to the remote system, there might be the desire to publish data "as fast as possible", so that at least the latest value (like a temperature) is received on the other end. However, it is not required that every change of the dataset is transferred. In this case, the EXOS_DATASET_EVENT_DELIVERED event can be used to trigger the publishing of a new value. Using this event will ensure that the API send buffer is never filled for one perticular dataset, in that - when many datasets are sent simultaneously, the EXOS_DATASET_EVENT_DELIVERED will come later for the datasets that got queued on Simulation (TCP/IP) connections. The exos_dataset_event_cb goes in more depth regarding this topic.