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exOS API 数据模型 描述文件 由.typ数据类型定义文件生成,这些文件用于向数据连接两侧的数据集消息路由器提供信息。
▪类型名:这是将要被解析的结构的根数据类型,在头文件生成器和 exOS 组件生成器 中使用这个根结构的名称来命名整个exOS软件包和许多其他对象。应避免使用"_typ"或"_t"之类的后缀。
The exOS API datamodel description files are generated from .typ datatype definition files which are used to provide information to the Dataset Message Router on either side of the data connection.
This is done whenever the exOS build-plugin encounters a <GenerateDatamodel> tag within the <Build> section. As with most other entries in the .exospkg file, there can be several <GenerateDatamodel> instructions if more than one datatype definition needs to be parsed.
The <GenerateDatamodel> instruction defines the following attributes:
•FileName: This is the filename of the .typ file that defines the datastructure relative to the exospkg file. In the example above, the .typ file is located in the WaterTank folder.
•TypeName: This is the root datatype of the structure that is going to be parsed and the name of this root structure is used in the header generator and the exOS Component Generator for naming the complete exOS package along with a lot of other objects. Postfixes like '_typ' or '_t' or the like should be avoided.
It contains the following instructions:
The header generator can create output to several header files. Normally, there are at least two output folders (one for AR, one for Linux), and thus two <Output> instructions
oPath: Path of the destination of the description file relative to the exospkg file. The name of the description files is taken from the root name of the datastructure which is provided via the TypeName attribute. In the example above, the description files would be called exos_watertank.h and exos_watertank.c.
For many B&R programmers, the #ifdef _SG4 is a well known instruction in C-code to mark code that is specific to Automation Runtime. This entry sets Automation Runtime options.
oInclude: For the description files, an AR specific option is to include the description files generated from the .typ file by Automation Studio instead of the typedef generated for Linux code. By including the AR generated header, it is possible to mix the internal exos-api commands with IEC _GLOBAL and _LOCAL variables, or with variables defined in the .fun file of a library. In the example, the dynamic library WaterTank also includes the WaterTank.typ file, and therefore including this header with #include <WaterTank.h> would not conflict with datatypes from the WaterTank.typ that are defined in the function block interface defined in the .fun file.
If we look at the package from the example, one can see that the WaterTank.typ file from the WaterTank library is used to create the exos_watertank.h and exos_watertank.c files in the WaterTank and Linux directories.
The exOS build-plugin uses a temporary storage in {project}\Temp\Objects\{Configuration}\{ConfigHardware}\exos\exosPkg\GenerateDatamodel to check if any changes have been made to the .typ files from the latest build and triggers a new header generation if the .typ file has changed (or at every "Rebuild All"). The output of the datamodel generator looks like the following:
•Changed .typ file:
•Generating datamodel file for 'WaterTank'..
If verbose logging is activated in the exostarget, additional information is output - even if the .typ file is unchanged (and the description files are untouched).